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Orphan parcel purchase gets TM nod

Orphan parcel purchase gets TM nod

Monday evening’s Town Meeting voted to buy the so-called “orphan” parcel from the MBTA for $155,000.  The parcel is the driveway running from Waterfield Rd. into the parking lot next to the T station.  According to Planning Board Chair Diab Jerius, the lot is essential if the town

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Epiphany Christmas Fair continues 30-year tradition

Epiphany Christmas Fair continues 30-year tradition

The Parish of the Epiphany continues a 30-year tradition of an annual Christmas Fair on Saturday, Nov. 18 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, 70 Church Street, Winchester. Browse through a variety of unique and beautifully crafted, warm, and cozy gifts, and support this tradition spanning three decades.

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Riverwalk guided tour Friday

Riverwalk guided tour Friday

Special to the News Nov. 14, 2023  Join Peter Pulsifer and Hilda Wong-Doo of the Winchester Cultural District for a guided tour through the Winchester Riverwalk exhibit on Friday, November 17. Peter and Hilda will talk about the inspiration for the exhibit and introduce Hoverlay, the augmented reality platform. The

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Young student helps with Thanksgiving baskets

Young student helps with Thanksgiving baskets

By Charlene Band Winchester resident Katherine Mucci, an elementary school student, has been busy helping to purchase food supplies for the Rotary Club of Winchester. Why does the Rotary Club need food supplies? It’s for the Thanksgiving Holiday Basket service project for the Council of Social Concern. Katherine is

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WIN Fast Forest seeks more volunteers

WIN Fast Forest seeks more volunteers

Special to the News from Prassede Calibi Nov. 14, 2023  The WIN Fast Forest is closing in on its goal for fall site preparation at Wright-Locke Farm. This project of the WFMCHub is turning a bit of low-habitat value wetlands into high value mature forest. By super-charging the soil and

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Fire destroys home on Lebanon Street

Fire destroys home on Lebanon Street

A quick-moving fire destroyed a two-story house on Lebanon Street Wednesday afternoon leaving two families displaced.  A Medford Armstrong crew driving by noticed the fire on the second floor back porch and eventually firefighters from six surrounding towns came to the Winchester Fire Department’s mutual aid, according to Winchester

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Covid vaccine clinic Monday at the Jenks

Covid vaccine clinic Monday at the Jenks

Special to the News from Winchester Health Department Nov. 7, 2023  There will be a seasonal 2023-2024 COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic, for ages 5 yrs. and older. One (1) dose of this updated vaccine is all that is needed to protect from severe illness. Those with medical conditions may require additional

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Veterans Day parade Saturday

The annual Veterans Day parade kicks off Saturday at 10:15 at the High School and ends at the Edward F. O’Connell Memorial Plaza next to Town Hall.  At the wreath laying ceremony, veterans, scouts and student musicians and singers will be joined by the Winchester Police Honor Guard

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Talk to the town

Talk to the town

From the Town website The Town of Winchester wants to improve how it shares and exchanges information with people who live, work, or own a business in Winchester. As part of this effort, the Town is launching an online survey to understand how community members would like to receive communication

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Town Meeting tackles capital planning

After the usual reports from various town committees, on Monday night Fall Town Meeting settled into a discussion of capital projects which require funding.  Several passed quickly, such as funding for a new library roof, and then the moderator moved Article 6 forward to allow time for Pearl Coughlin, a

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Battling Town Meeting agenda items focus on FinCom

Battling Town Meeting agenda items focus on FinCom

How the Winchester town Finance Committee operates and appoints its members will be the subject of debate at Fall Town Meeting, which started Monday night and continues Thursday evening.  Two warrant articles being put forth as citizen’s petitions are attempts to change the by-laws that govern the committee.   Both

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Thanks to 27 new donors so far this month!

Thanks to 27 new donors so far this month!

Residents are responding to the Winchester News and our request for donations during the month of November.  Every dollar donated is matched by our NewsMatch, the largest collaborative fundraising campaign to support nonprofit news in the U.S.  So far in November alone, we’ve received over $3,000 and

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Go Fund Me for Lebanon St. fire victims

Go Fund Me for Lebanon St. fire victims

After Wednesday’s devastating fire robbed two families of their homes (, Go Fund Me accounts were established for each family.  The first one was set up almost immediately by Sean Yun to aid his father Vincent and himself:

Members Public
Town Meeting Members Assoc. up and running

Town Meeting Members Assoc. up and running

Just in time for Monday’s start of Fall Town Meeting, the independent, resident-run Winchester Town Meeting Members Association ( is up and running, allowing members to discuss the warrant articles.  Despite the hard work of residents Carol Savage and Lance Grenzeback, so far there are only twelve

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